Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Well, life is just flying by as usual! During the week, we usually don't have too much going on. Well, except for all my doctors' appointments. But we've been busy pretty much every weekend, and it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon! I guess that's summer for you!

I had an ultrasound yesterday, and Josh finally got to go too. I've had several ultrasounds already, but they've all been in Albany during the day, so he hasn't been able to go with me. But this one was with my regular doctor in the late afternoon. I guess this is the ultrasound where you would find out the sex, but at the beginning of this pregnancy we both decided that we wanted to wait. Josh wanted to see if he could guess what it was, and he thought he figured it out. But I honestly didn't see anything! The legs were tight together the whole time, and I tried not to look too closely. :)

I love ultrasounds though. I could just look at them forever. Seeing how they are all balled up inside you, perfectly content. And this baby is very limbre! We couldn't even see it's face very well, because it's legs and feet were right by the face blocking the view!

I've also been feeling faint movement the last couple of days, which is reassuring! I thought with this being my third, I would feel it a lot sooner. So I was getting worried when at 20 weeks I really wasn't feeling much of anything. The ultrasounds were showing alot of movement though, so I wasn't too worried. But at this point, it's like I NEEDED to feel it move! I guess because I'm in the middle stage of just "feeling fat" that I needed to be reminded that there is a baby inside of me! That sounds silly even to me!

I've been talking to Hannah and Elijah about having another baby. They now point to my belly and say "Baby" but I don't think they fully grasp the idea of what's going to happen. Elijah tells me all the time that he wants to see the baby, which is really cute. So hopefully, the transition will go smoothly. I won't lie and say I don't think about it every day. Because I do. I'm trying to give all my worries to the Lord. I know He's holding me in His hands, and we'll make it through! I'm just going to enjoy this time with my two little ones! :) And don't worry if you don't see or hear from me after the baby, I've conceded to the fact that I might just become a hermit for a few months! :)


  1. I know its really hard to not find out, specially when most people do but you'll be so glad you did! Its soo much fun. Probably more for the Mom then the Dad..but if we have anymore I'd like for them to continue being surprises.

  2. I am due any day now and Tristan has been telling me for the last few months that he wants to see the baby, but I really don't think he has a clue as to what's going on. He's extremely curious and wild at times so I'm actually nervous about having a tiny baby in the house, but Tim will be staying home with me for a month so that will really help me out! Oh, and I didn't feel this one until after 20 weeks also so I was getting worried too!
