Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm having an emotional day!

I don't have these too often, but today I just woke up crying and haven't been able to stop! It's alot of different things piled into one, but the biggest one is just thinking about today being "Good Friday." We've been doing a Passover play at our church, and Josh and I have been helping. He is one of the disciples, and I've been helping serve. Just being there makes you think back to what it must have been like for Jesus that night. Knowing that he was going to be betrayed, knowing he would be crucified very soon. I can't even imagine. And all for me?

I can't help but to bawl my eyes out when I think about God watching Jesus grow up. From being a baby to a toddler, a child, a teenager, and then an adult. Jesus was His Son and He watched Him grow up, and yet He knew one day He would be crucified. For me. When I think about my own children, that's really hard to think about. That kind of love is unbelieveable, unconceivable, to my human mind. And yet God loves us that much. Thank you Lord for loving me that much!

I must go now, I can't even see what I'm writing through these tears!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post Steph. I needed to be reminded!
