Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big News!

It's been a while since I've written, but it doesn't mean that not much has happened! Just the opposite, A LOT is going on right now! I just haven't written because it's hard for me to keep secrets!

Now that I've kept you waiting, here's the news: We're having a baby!!

I'm 15 weeks already today, which is CRAZY! It's going by very, very fast! Way too fast! I'm still adjusting to the news myself these days. We were waiting to announce it until we had a few doctor's visits and an ultrasound to make sure things were going good. And they are. Things look normal, and my due date is set for October 19!

To be completely honest, though, I was not prepared to be pregnant just yet. I mean, we've always known we wanted more kids and that God was pushing us towards more, but I felt like it would at least be a few more months to a year. So, the day I took the test and it was positive, I just sat down and sobbed. And I really think I cried for about 2 weeks straight. I know that sounds bad, but with two small children at home..I honestly wondered if I could handle another baby right now. And selfishly, I just wanted my body to myself for a little longer. I had been pregnant/breastfeeding for almost 3 years straight!!! I had just finished breastfeeding Hannah approximately one month before I became pregnant again. And, I was losing all the weight from both pregnancies and was getting into clothes that I wore when I was first married! I was really starting to feel good, and my own woman again!

But God is so faithful! And He has such great plans for my life, way beyond my imagination! It took me a little while to become adjusted, but God has been with me the whole time. And I can definitely feel His peace in this situation! He will never give me more than I can handle (even though it might not be easy, either)! And He's definitely reminding me of all the things I love about little babies. The snuggle times, their complete dependence on me, and just being so cute and soft! So I'm really getting excited about our new little bundle of joy!

Anyways, just wanted to share our good news and I'll be back to post more about this pregnancy so far!


  1. That is soo stinkin exciting Stephanie...! Having 3 is hard, but seriously, its one of the best decisions we've made as a family to have a 3rd child, and your such a great Mom..I know you can do it! :) Congrats!!

  2. Don't feel bad! It's completely understandbale in my book. I was terrified to get pregnant shortly after we had Addison. We had planned to have ours about as close as Elijah and Hannah and then I was pumping and she didn't nap until 18 months! That's when I was ok with it but we waited until January. I can also completely undertsand wanting your body back. I didn't ever feel like I really got back my body after Addison and I have already told Nathan that I can't wait until our next one is about Addison's age so I can REALLY hit the gym! Things are just getting so easy with Addison that I am nervous about my transition with this new baby because it was so hard the first time but I know it gets easier and that will get me through.
