Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't judge me!

So, I just finished reading "Twilight" for the 4th time!

Here's the reasoning behind it. I read it the first time honestly going into it not knowing it was about vampires. Rebekah, my sis-in-law, just told me to read it and I would like it. So I trusted her. The second time I read it, I wanted to read it from the beginning knowing everything. I like to break things down, and really dissect what's being said. Almost to the point that I'm looking for errors. The third time: I read it again before I watched the movie. I put off watching the movie for over a year after it came out on dvd. I knew it would ruin the book, and it definitely did not do it justice! I now just finished reading it for the fourth time. I can't explain this last time. I had watched parts of the movie again because it was on tv, and it really was irking me what all they left out of the movie. I saw the book lying there, and I couldn't help myself. For some reason, the book needed redeeming in my head.

Seriously, don't judge me!


  1. Luke still shakes his head at me if I read it more then every few months. He's like "You've already read it!"...I read them all right after I saw the first movie(which was like months and months after its release) and then re-read them again like right after that...then read them again right before New Moon..and I may or may not have read them again since...honestly I lost track. I love reading..and if the story is a good one, I say who cares how many times you read it..! :)

  2. Okay, I won't judge you, but I'm definitely judging all the other "twi-hards" out there. ;) I'm sure it's a good read, I just can't bring myself to support it!

  3. Josh gets mad at me too, Kayla! I've only read the whole series once, but it's honestly because I don't own them. I would have read them all again by now! And I haven't brought myself to watch "New Moon" yet.

    Chelsea, I really wouldn't consider myself a "Twi-Hard" even though I do love the books. You should give it a chance! It's more of a love story than anything else, and a really good one!

  4. Since you've read the books Stephanie, I have a question for you. I've seen a lot of people say that they would not let their preteen/teenage girls read it because they don't want them getting this idea that the relationship between Bella and Edward is normal and safe, therefore getting themselves involved with something similar. Personally, I think the fact that it's about vampires and werewolves gives it away that you shouldn't take the book seriously, especially if you teach your kids about bad relationships. But I know how young teens can be. So what is your opinion about letting a young girl read it??
