Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Better night!

Well, last night before we put Elijah to bed we decided to pray over his sleeping. So, while he was laying in bed we just prayed that any fear or anxiety he was feeling would be gone, and he would only feel peace all night. The whole time we were praying, he was laughing and squirming around, and he talked in bed for another hour and a half. But he slept all night!! Thank you Jesus! He woke up around 7, but that's fine! I can handle that! I think my body was still used to getting up with him, though, because every few hours I found myself waking up and listening for any sounds. Hopefully, the sleeping all night will continue!

Anyways, not too much else going on with us. Let's see... For Valentine's day, Abbie came over Saturday night and watched the babies for us. We went out to eat, and then went and saw Valentine's day. It was so nice to get out alone and have a date night. I don't think we've had one of those in months! We could actually talk to one another without having to divide our attention on the babies. It's strange though. Because we get out alone together, and then most of what we talk about involves the babies. So they are obviously always on our minds. :)

Josh is taking some classes to be a volunteer firefighter. The classes are Tuesday nights and all day Saturday. He seems to be enjoying it. His hopes are to eventually be employed with a station. That way we can have a steady income, and he can do his handyman work on the side. We've really felt God leading us in this, so be praying that it works out. And for Josh's safety.

Other than that, the babies and I have just been hanging out at the house as usual. They are growing up so fast. So independent. Elijah's talking really good now, and Hannah is even saying a few words of her own. Next step for us: Potty training! We're gonna wait a few more months.

Anyways, that's about it. I'll write more when there's more to say!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Sleep issues. The worst kind.

Well, I used to brag about how well my oldest child slept. He's always slept great at night, and took long naps. Well, lately, that has not been the case at all. I don't mind the naptimes that much. But at night, he should be sleeping!!!

Here's the deal: He fights naptime. Doesn't sleep good for naps. Then we put him down around 8:30-9 and he fights that. He finally goes to sleep, and then wakes up screaming "mama" at random times in the middle of the night. I go to check on him, and make him lay down. Then he wakes up super early in the morning.

This has been going on for like 2 weeks now. And I can't just ignore him altogether, because Hannah sleeps in the room with him.

I have absolutely NO idea what to do! When I go to check on him, he's usually just sitting up in bed, and I lay him down and he goes right back to sleep. So he doesn't stay up or anything, but then when I get back in bed, it takes me like 2 hours to get back to sleep. So I have felt exhausted and drained. And that's never fun.

Anyone have any suggestions???

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's a new dawn. It's a new day.

It's a new life for me! And I'm feeling good!

I really like that song, but it's not what I was going to write about!

Today is the first of February, and a good time to start a workout/diet plan! I was doing really good before the holidays; I had actually lost about 15 pounds! But Thanksgiving and Christmas did bad things...

So I ordered a new workout video. It's called "30 Day Shred" with Jillian from Biggest Loser. I started it today, and I'm already feeling the burn. It's amazing what being lazy for 2 months can do to your body! She's pretty intense though, but not overly annoying. So hopefully in 30 days I'll have lost all that weight again and be back in shape! I feel really excited about it! So here's hoping!