Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little stressed...

This time of year is always sooo busy for us! I love it, but sometimes I find myself stressing too. I mean, this weekend we have a big birthday party planned for Hannah on Saturday. So I need to do alot of preparation for that. With gifts and food and all that. And then we are leaving for Nashville for Thanksgiving on Sunday. So I also have to wash and pack enough clothes for a week. And pack everything you need for babies. By the way, with babies why does it always seem like we pack the whole entire house when we go out of town?? And we always need it all too!

Anyways, so I started thinking about all that needed to be done, and I find myself stressing. Because right around the corner is Christmas, and we haven't even begun to shop for that! So even more to do! But it'll be ok! I'm really excited to be going to Nashville! We are staying with Josh's sister Denise, and her husband Jacob. And I'll get to see my newest nephew, Malachi! And I think we are planning a trip to the zoo, so that'll be fun for my little ones! and it's always fun when the whole Folsom fam gets together.

So there's always alot of fun that comes with a little stress. You just have to power through, and get it all done! Which I will, I guess I just needed to vent for a minute there. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's hard enough for all three of us to get ready for a trip with Asher & you have TWO babies to be prepared for! I bet you really do pack up the whole house! :) (PS.. in case you haven't noticed... I'm back!)
