Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Horrible Weekend.

****Foreword: I am a control freak, and usually a very organized person.  When things don't go the way planned, it can literally seem like the end of the world.  I know this is a flaw, and it is being worked on. That being said, this was just a weekend of a string of unfortunate events.****

The saying "When it rains, it pours."  Yeah, that applies.  This weekend, or past 5 days really, have seemed like that saying.  Let's go back to Friday.  The weekend seemed very promising.  It was supposed to be sunny for like 4 days!  Anyone who lives in South Ga knows that this has been a very uncommon thing for us.  It has literally rained every day for the last 2 months!  So, with this sunny forecast came a sidejob for Josh that he's been waiting on the weather to accomplish:  rebuilding a roof.  It was a difficult roof.  It has been leaking for years, on a building downtown.  And no one can find the reason for the leak.  So it was decided just to rebuild a completely new roof.  So Josh and two other guys started that on Friday.  They had done most of the construction part of the job, and just had to put down the metal.  Seemed like a good day, probably would be able to finish on Saturday. Great!

The problem started when Josh realized at 5, that the place he needed to rent a piece of equipment for had already closed.  He thought they would be open Saturday morning, but were not.  Saturday morning comes along, and the only place close to us that was open had already rented that particular peice of equipment.  So, he does all that he can without it.  And decided he would have to finish it Monday morning.  Which would not be ideal, but would work. We were also dealing with Hurricane Isaac proposed to make an appearance on Tuesday, so this had to get done!

Well, during all of this Rachel is starting to get sick.  She's running a temp of around 100-102 and just not herself at all.  And it just won't break.  I mean I tried everything. Giving Motrin and Tylenol alternately.  Giving her lukewarm baths.  It would not break.  So I was getting worried about her.  And she wasn't sleeping at night at all.  Everytime I'd go to get her...she was just soaking wet, and miserable.

Sunday comes along, and we are watching the weather and looks like rain on Monday, around lunch.  Not good.  So Josh goes and tries to do all the prep work he can do, so that he can get it done first thing Monday.  He does, but on his way home his truck starts acting up. Really? 

Well, Sunday night was rough!  I put the kids to bed, and then around 1, Rachel wakes up.  She's not acting like herself at all, just totally out of it.   And she's soaked!  I take her in the kitchen, and take her temp and it's 105.2!  Her usual temp is like 97.8, so this just feels really bad. And I'm kinda freaking out now.  I give her some more medicine, and it just wouldn't come down.  After that, we decided that maybe this was something really bad going on, so I took her to the ER.  We arrived around 2:15. They did lots of tests on her!  X-rays, urinalysis, bloodwork.  And nothing showed up, which was great! So they think it was just viral.  But I felt like an awful mother making her go through all of that! Not to mention the nurse from hell that I was dealing with.   After 5+ hours, I was more than ready to go home!  We got home around 8. Josh's mom had come over to watch the kids, so Josh could go finish a roof.   I put Rachel to bed, but by this time my other two were awake.

I'm also worrying about Josh and the roof.  Turns out the piece of equipment he rented was not doing what he needed it too, so he had to change plans. And we are just praying the rain holds off.  So he eventually does finish around 2, and God held the rain back until the last minute they were finishing up! So naptime comes, and I am more than ready.  We all lay down, and at around 3 I get a phone call from Josh.  His truck is really acting up, and he needs us to come get him.  No naptime....So we head out, and get him.  He talks to my step-dad, a mechanic, and decided that it would be safe to drive it to him.  So that's what we do.  Me and the kids go hang out with my mom while they work on the truck.  And they do get it fixed!  So that was great!  It felt like things were getting better!  I'm utterly exhausted by this point, and just wanting sleep.

Tuesday.  I wake up to find the business account overdrawn.  Poop.  This is completely my job.  I take care of the finances.  I had put money in there for the job, but with all the extra things going on- refiguring the roof, and the cost of the truck parts- we were under. It had not even crossed my mind to check on it.  Then, we find out that the roof is still leaking (IN THE SAME SPOT!). Seriously?

Not to mention, we are running low on groceries, and very important toiletries (i.e. toilet paper) and the house is a complete mess.  Good news, we went for a recheck on Rachel and everything looked good!  And she's almost back to her normal self now!

Like I said earlier, this was not as bad as life gets, but for a control freak it felt pretty bad.  I felt like I had failed at every turn. But we are trusting God that He has things undercontrol.  And it isn't my place to worry about it.

 Things are not completely resolved, but I know now I just can't control it all.  I did get groceries the morning, and the house is getting cleaned today!  And that's all I can do. Lesson learned.  Worrying only makes it worse. And life is far from awful.  Rachel is much better, and we are all safe and healthy. Josh gave some much needed work to some guys that needed it. And the truck is fixed!

Prayers are definitely appreciated though.  Especially for wisdom to deal with this roof situation!