Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sorry I've been missing from the blogging world.  Life always takes precedence, and lately I've been overwhelmed with life right now.  I have been missing blogging though.  I've had several topics I wanted to write about, but I just need more time! :)

Kids are all doing great right now.  The older two are still struggling with playing nice with one another.  We have constant battles all day.  But realistically, most of the day they play very well together.  I just always seem to remember the fights!  We also started doing "school".  We just read bible stories, do little workbooks, and a lot of coloring.  Just getting them used to sitting still and listening.  They've really been doing very good.  And every morning they ask when we are going to start school, so I guess they are enjoying it!

Rachel is now crawling on her hands and knees, and she's very fast! She's into EVERYTHING!  I think I clean up more after her than Elijah and Hannah.  She's also pulling up on everything, and starting to cruise around the furniture.  She's getting better at going to other people, but she's predominantly still a mama's girl! (One day, I'll get some alone time!)

We are without a van right now.  Well, we still have it, it's just currently not running.  We found out that it has a bad cyclinder head valve that is leaking.  I don't understand all this lingo, but apparantly it has something to do with the motor, and it's bad.  Josh is currently spending all his free time taking the engine apart.  He's been thinking about getting into mechanics lately, and everyone says to just get your hands on it and try. So we figured this was a good chance!  So that's what we've been up too.  Following an instructional book.  And honestly it's been enjoyable.  We've been doing it together, and it's nice to just have an opportunity to be with him.  Any opportunity!  But it does stink going back to one vehicle.

In other news, Josh and I both got smartphones. And I'd like to stay that I'm completely blown away by how advanced this phone is.  I mean, my old phone, which was not a bad phone, is absolutely outdated!  I just can't believe how far phones have come in two years.  It seems so crazy.  But it's nice to be able to do EVERYTHING from my phone.  Except for blog..I haven't figured that out yet.. So I'm still using the old desktop.  That's partly the reason for not blogging lately.  I just never get on here anymore.

Need to run!  Well, I really just need a shower while everyone's happy! :)