Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Boy oh Boy! Where does the time go?

It's been a month since I blogged last?  Actually, I know exactly where the time went.  Into some precious kiddos!  Into potty training, playing outside alot, playing inside alot lately due to the heat, and much more. Oh, and I can't forget those 3 amazing weeks of us all having an AWFUL stomach bug.  It was great fun! NOT!   It slowly but surely went through all of us, and I was even lucky to get it twice!  Taking care of kids, and being sick yourself is seriously one of the hardest things about being a mother.  There's never any time to rest, so you just have to soldier through.  BUT...we are all in complete health once again, and it really makes me appreciate not being sick! :)

Updates on us: 

Hannah and Elijah are becoming the best of friends. They play together all day.  And although they do have some scuffles throughout the day, they seem to really enjoy one another!  One of my favorite (and not so favorite) things they do is when they are going to bed at night.  I can hear their little voices carrying on a little conversation! It's super adorable!  Well, until it goes on for an hour and then it has to be stopped.  But I still love it just the same.

Hannah is pretty much potty trained! After a long period of trying to wait until she was ready, I finally just dug in my heels and told her it was time!  I said I would write a blog about that ordeal, but time just got away from me!  It took about 3 VERY frustrating days.  Almost to the point of wanting to give up completely.  But then, it was like it just clicked in her head! And she was potty trained from then on out.  She's only had a few accidents, and she even stays dry most nights!  YAY!!!  She still wears a pull up at night, because she's not completely reliable...but she's doing amazing! I'm so very proud of her!

Rachel turned 9 months, and she's changing every day!  We just had a check-up and she weighed 15.8 pounds.  She's 27.5 inches long, and her head is 16.5 inches.  Still very small, but the doctor said she was healthy, and looked really good.  Her size is no indication of how she eats though.  She's ravenous at every meal, and eats almost everything I give her!  I've also started making her food.  Usually I just puree what we have for dinner, and then I also have some days where I just make a lot of her baby food.  She seems to really be liking it!  She's still breastfeeding about 4 times day also.

Rachel's sleeping through the night! This has been the best improvement of all!  Being able to sleep again really changes your outlook on life! haha :)

She's been crawling for about a month now.  And she can go from crawling to sitting up now too.  This makes it easier on her and me! Not easier on the other two though.  haha.  She's usually following them around, and getting into "their" toys.  :)  Recently, she's been trying to pull up on the couch and other furniture as well.  She only gets to about her knees, but she's really trying hard!

Other tricks-  She really likes to dance!  It's adorable.  Anytime I sing or she hears music, she'll sit up and start grooving! I need to get a video, because it's so funny!   She's clapping too, and we are still working on waving bye-bye. 

I've been doing little odds and ends fix-its around the house.  Like painting, and caulking, and anything else I can do. We still have a long way to go, but one day!  Josh has been so busy with work and side jobs, that we've really only been seeing him at night!  But I can't complain about the work!  Our next big project is to finish the addition- starting with the laundry room!  That space is much needed, so I'm getting excited! 

Anyways, i have a little pair of hands pulling at me wanting some attention, so I"ll try to blog again soon!